Young and Powerful with CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality

Young and Powerful & Bridging Climate Justice with SRHR

CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality Season 1 Episode 14

In this episode CHOICE is joined by Joy Hayley Munthali, a young activist working on climate justice and reproductive justice in Malawi. Joy is the Founder and Director of Green Girls Platform, whose work focuses on advocacy addressing the climate crisis and how it intersects with issues of sexual and reproductuve health. Joy and Poppy (CHOICE host) discuss how these issues intersects, why it is so important for girls and young women to be involved in decision-making on the climate crisis, and why climate justice requires an intersectional lens, and more!!

Trigger Warning:
Mention of sexual harassment, please take care and be kind to yourself when listening to this episode if these are triggers for you.

Acronyms used:

  • SRHR = Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
  • CSE = Comprehensive Sexuality Education
  • MIYP = Meaningful and Inclusive Youth Participation
  • SGBV = Sexual and Gender Based Violence

Green Girls Platform info:

CHOICE's info:

Podcast theme music by